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                      <h3> <strong> IDO PASS DAO </strong> </h3>
						<h1 style="font-size:2vw"> Launchpad, DAO, Incubator, On-Chain Mapping</h1>
                      <p>IDO Pass DAO is the first Cardano DAO to focus on IDO's, launchpads, and Blue chip CNFT fractionalization.</p>
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                        <a href="https://www.jpg.store/collection/idopassdao" target="_blank" class="btn small btn-default big" rel="noreferrer">BUY NOW</a>
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                  <h3>IDO PASS DAO</h3>
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                      <!-- <p class="mb-4">Another perk for TICKET NFT Owners!</p> -->
                      <p class="mb-4">IDO PASS DAO NFT’s is the very first utility-nft on the cardano blockchain that gives you guaranteed allocation for upcoming IDOs 

There will only be 5,555 IDO PASS DAO NFTs available for the community to re-shape the launchpad approach and use our IPD on chain mapping.

This is the first transferable guaranteed allocation introduce to the cardano blockchain

We will release NFTs in two different batches as we build out our tooling and mechanisms.
Batch one will be our Founder’s passes 1,000
This will be our Genesis collection in early supporters.
Batch two will be our member’s passes 4,555
This will be spit into 4 different rarities.

Each batch will come with different maximum allocation rates to value the NFT as well as the fair platform claim.

IDO PASS DAO NFT holders will have the privilege to buy any Token & NFT before everyone else that is launched on the platform  </p>
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						  <li><strong>Vetting:</strong> Before projects can run an IDO on a DEX, due diligence is performed by the DEX to block as many scam projects as possible and protects investors. </li>
						  <li><strong>Price Fixing:</strong> After a project is accepted, the token supply and sale price are determined. </li>
						  <li>If you have more than 1 NFT, you can stake them all - no problem!</li>
                        <li>Unstake will be an option if you want to list your NFT on the marketplaces</li>
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                          <i class="money-1"></i>Vault your NFT </span>
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                  <h3 class="mb-2">Launch a Project on IDO PASS DAO</h3>
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                      <h3 class="title">We are offering</h3>
                      <ul class="list">
                        <li>Growing Community</li>
                        <li>Seamless IDO Process</li>
                        <li>Advisory Services</li>
                        <li>Marketing and Listing Support</li>
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                      <h3 class="title">We are interested in</h3>
                      <ul class="list">
                        <li>Fully-dedicated team</li>
                        <li>Actively communicating on socials</li>
                        <li>Unique Projects </li>
                        <li>Projects that have use-cases</li>
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                    <a href="coming-soon/soon.html" class="btn btn-default" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">APPLY TO LAUNCH</a>
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                    <h2 class="title"> <strong class="color-primary">$IDP Tokenomics</strong></h2>
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				  <p font="comic sans ms">
						Overview - $IDP token is the utility token that powers the IPD Launchpad. Projects launching on the Launchpad must hold the $IDP token as a requirement. In addition, the $IDP token allows users to receive discounts when paying fees.
					<li>• 60% (600M $IDP)</li>
  							<li>• 50M $IDP is airdropped to NFT holders over 24 months.</li>
					<li>• 550M $IDP is rewarded to participants of the NFT staking program over 24 months.</li>
  							<li>• 13% (130M $IDP)</li>
  							<li>• The Team’s allocation is locked up for 6 months and released evenly over 6 months after the vesting period.</li>
  							<li>• 9% (90M $IDP)</li>
  							<li>• The Reserve allows IPD flexibility to tackle unforeseen circumstances.</li>
						<strong>Development Fund</strong>
  							<li>• 8% (80M $IDP)</li>
  							<li>• The Dev Fund supports ventures that will benefit IPD. IDO Pass NFT holders vote on which ventures to fund.</li>
							<li>• The Team does not have access to the Dev Fund.</li>
  							<li>• 7% (70M $IDP)</li>
  							<li>• This allocation is given to investors who fund the development of the IPD Launchpad-DEX.</li>
  							<li>• 2% (20M $IDP)</li>
  							<li>• This allocation is the initial liquidity on the IPD Launchpad-DEX.</li>
  							<li>• 1% (10M $IDP)</li>
  							<li>• This allocation is sold to investors on a launchpad to fund the development of IPD.</li>
				  <!-- <h1 class="title">Token Release Schedule</h1>
				  <img src="images/Schedule.png" alt="" width="800" height="600"  /> -->
				  <!-- <div class="responsive-table ">
                    <table class="table">
                          <th class="width-per-16">Batches</th>
                          <th class="width-per-23">Members</th>
                          <th class="width-per-15">Amount</th>
                          <th class="width-per-16">NFT #</th>
                          <th class="width-per-16">Price</th>
                          <th class="width-per-16">Date</th>
                          <td>1st Batch</td>
                          <td>Whitelistes Members</td>
                          <td>200K $Ticket</td>
                          <td>2022 Week 1</td>
                          <td>2nd Batch</td>
                          <td>Liq Pool Farmers</td>
                          <td>500K $Ticket</td>
                          <td>2022 Week 4</td>
                          <td>3rd Batch</td>
                          <td>Continuous Batch</td>
                          <td>Weekly Contests &amp; Giveaways</td>
                          <td>Every Week</td>
                          <td>Exclusive Batch</td>
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                      <h4 class="sub-title">IDO Investment Process </h4>
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                    <ul class="list">
                      <li>The Team examines the launchpad on which the IDO takes place to ensure that the launchpad has sufficient liquidity and that a rigorous vetting process is in place. Then, the Team checks that the new project is audited and that SEC guide-lines for distributing tokens are followed.</li>
                      <li>Founders Pass and Members Pass NFT holders vote on when to sell IDO investments.</li>
                      <li>Allocation of profits: 80% to Treasury, 20% to Team.</li>
                      <li>If the IDO investment is not profitable, the Team will not receive any payment.</li>
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                    <h2 class="title">Roadmap</h2>
                    <p>The IPD Launchpad is a fundraising platform that offers new blockchain projects access to a pool of investors. It provides the IPD and Cardano community of investors access to token sales at bargain prices before they become publicly available.</p>
                    <p class="succesed">IPD NFT holders have guaranteed allocations in each token sale.
Purchase limits per investor to promote equitable distribution.
Up-to-date news on the participating projects.
24/7 community support</p>
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                          <h4>Phase 1</h4>
                        <div class="roadmap-line_body__697mT body">
                          <ul class="list">
                            <li>Project ideation</li>
                            <li>Set up Twitter, Discord, &amp; Linktree                            </li>
                            <li>Begin sale of Founders Pass NFT</li>
                            <li>Set up Discord NFT verification bot</li>
                            <li>Implement a voting system</li>
                            <li>Implement an investment proposal system</li>
                            <li>Implement a weighted vote system</li>
                            <li>Delegate Ada to a Cardano stake pool</li>
                            <li>Marketing - interview on YouTube</li>
                            <li>Delegate Ada to the OCC stake pool</li>
                            <li>Implement a Team investment proposal system</li>
                            <li> Set up Discord Market Analyzation Tool channels</li>
                            <li>Marketing - interviews on YouTube</li>
                            <li>Begin liquidity mining on SundaeSwap</li>
                            <li> Begin liquidity mining on Minswap</li>
                            <li>Test wallet snapshot system</li>
                            <li>Test token airdrop system</li>
                            <li>Research Cardano native token launchpads</li>
                            <li>Set up IPD Committee</li>
                            <li>Purchase and stake Launchpad token</li>
                            <li>Invest in an ISPO</li>
                            <li>Form a new IPD Committee</li>
                            <li>Increase the number of Discord community moderators</li>
                            <li> Invest in an IDO</li>
                            <li>Invest in a second IDO </li>
                            <li>Release Market Analyzation Tool</li>
                            <li>Marketing - interviews on YouTube</li>
                            <li>100% Founders Pass NFT sold </li>
                      <div class="roadmap-line_item__aBUX9 line-item">
                        <div class="roadmap-line_title__VeJgl">
                          <div class="point">
                          <h4>Phase 2</h4>
                        <div class="roadmap-line_body__697mT body">
                          <ul class="list">
                            <li>Dissolve all prior investments </li>
                            <li>First Developer Surprise Airdrop</li>
                            <li>Begin sale of Members Pass NFT</li>
                            <li>Second Developer Surprise Airdrop</li>
                            <li> Develop IPD Launchpad smart contracts</li>
                            <li>Audit IPD Launchpad smart contracts</li>
                            <li>Opensource IPD Launchpad smart contracts </li>
                            <li>Release IPD Launchpad private testnet </li>
                            <li>Test IPD platform with NFT holders </li>
                            <li>Develop NFT fractionalization smart contracts </li>
                            <li>TBA </li>
                    <p>IDO PASS DAO is dedicated to executing the detailed roadmap above. Whilst ticking each milestone, we will/might come up with new ones along with the community’s feedback and suggestions.</p>
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                        <h3 class="big">NFTs</h3>
                        <h5 class="color-green mb-3"> <strong>The most important NFTs</strong></h5>
						  <h5 class="color-yellow mb-3"> <strong>Founders Pass [SOLD OUT]</strong></h5>
						  <h5 class="color-yellow mb-3"> <strong>Members Pass [SOLD OUT]</a></strong></h5>
                        <p>What Is a Non-Fungible Token (NFT)? <br>
                        <p>Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are cryptographic assets on a blockchain with unique identification codes and metadata that distinguish them from each other.</p>
                        <p>Unlike cryptocurrencies, they cannot be traded or exchanged at equivalency. This differs from fungible tokens like cryptocurrencies, which are identical to each other and, therefore, can serve as a medium for commercial transactions. </p>
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                          <div class="person-card_header__0sfMH">
                            <h3 class="person-card_title__GbVrU title"> Rarity: Rare</h3>
                            <p class="person-card_description__b6Yc0 description"></p>
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							  <a href="https://www.jpg.store/asset/ce981bfed270735bc481f1866f46c2f777d2a608292943db0b8a080749444f5041535344414f31303038"><img src="images/NFT1.png" width="400" height="400"></a>
								 <ul class="list">
								  <li>12+ years in software development, product development, data management</li>
								  <li>Skills include Golang and Rust along with several languages and technologies</li>
								  <li>Crypto investor, validator and developer for the past 2 years</li>
								  <li>Daddy, devoted husband, loves cooking and fast cars</li>
                      <div class="mb-5">
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                      <svg width="24" height="24" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> </svg>
                            <h3 class="person-card_title__GbVrU title">Rarity: Common</h3>
                          <p class="person-card_description__b6Yc0 description"> <a href="https://www.jpg.store/asset/ce981bfed270735bc481f1866f46c2f777d2a608292943db0b8a080749444f5041535344414f31373830"><img src="images/NFT2.png" width="400" height="400"></a>.</p>
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                            <h3 class="person-card_title__GbVrU title">Rarity: Uncommon</h3>
                            <p class="person-card_description__b6Yc0 description"></p>
						    <a href="https://www.jpg.store/asset/ce981bfed270735bc481f1866f46c2f777d2a608292943db0b8a080749444f5041535344414f31323935"><img src="images/NFT3.png" width="400" height="400"></a>
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                            <h3 class="person-card_title__GbVrU title">Rarity: None
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                            <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M20.7214 51.8893L15.9378 47.1058C15.7344 46.9039 15.6011 46.6427 15.5584 46.3624C15.5157 46.0821 15.566 45.7983 15.7016 45.5546C16.3256 44.4515 16.5624 43.1625 16.375 41.8873C16.1877 40.6121 15.5868 39.4218 14.6654 38.5008C13.7444 37.5792 12.554 36.9782 11.2787 36.7908C10.0035 36.6034 8.71439 36.8401 7.6112 37.4642C7.3675 37.6 7.08348 37.6505 6.803 37.6078C6.52251 37.5651 6.26114 37.4316 6.05926 37.228L1.16354 32.3322C0.965187 32.1339 0.851458 31.8672 0.847367 31.5907C0.843275 31.3143 0.949153 31.0508 1.14172 30.8583L31.2739 0.726095C31.4665 0.533528 31.7299 0.427646 32.0064 0.431738C32.2828 0.43583 32.5495 0.54956 32.7479 0.747914L37.6339 5.63391C37.8394 5.83686 37.9737 6.10029 38.0159 6.38292C38.0581 6.66555 38.0057 6.95142 37.867 7.19575C37.2307 8.30028 36.9851 9.59556 37.1687 10.8788C37.3522 12.162 37.9545 13.3607 38.8812 14.2872C39.8077 15.2141 41.0064 15.8165 42.2898 16.0001C43.5731 16.1837 44.8684 15.9381 45.973 15.3018C46.2174 15.1631 46.5033 15.1107 46.7859 15.1529C47.0685 15.195 47.3319 15.3294 47.5349 15.5349L52.3083 20.3084C52.5067 20.5067 52.6204 20.7734 52.6245 21.0499C52.6286 21.3263 52.5227 21.5898 52.3301 21.7823L22.198 51.9145C22.1024 52.01 21.9883 52.0852 21.8622 52.1356C21.7362 52.1861 21.6007 52.2108 21.4635 52.2085C21.3263 52.2061 21.1902 52.1767 21.0628 52.122C20.9355 52.0672 20.8194 51.9882 20.7214 51.8893Z"></path>
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                            <h3 class="person-card_title__GbVrU title">Founder's Pass - SOLD OUT</h3>
                            <p class="person-card_description__b6Yc0 description"></p>
					  <a href="https://www.jpg.store/asset/ce981bfed270735bc481f1866f46c2f777d2a608292943db0b8a080749444f5041535344414f30353431"><img src="images/NFT5.gif" width="400" height="400"></a>					  
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          <section class="token-allocation" id="token-allocation">
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              <div class="content-body">
                <div class="title" id="token-allocation">$IDP Maximum Supply: 1,000,000,000</div>
                <div class="chart">
                  <img src="images/fili.png" class="d-none d-md-block" alt="Token Allocation" />
                  <img src="images/token-allocation-m.png" class="d-block d-md-none" alt="Token Allocation" />
                <div class="token-supply">
                  <div class="title">Initial Funding</div>
                  <ul class="list">
					  <li><strong>Founders Pass NFT Sale</strong>
						Quantity: 1,000
					<br>Price: 75 ADA 

					<br>Allocation: 70% to Treasury, 30% to Team.</li>
                    <li><strong>Members Pass NFT Sale</strong>
						<br>Quantity: 4,555 
						<br>Price: 95 Ada 

						<br>Minting Cost: 725 ADA 
						<br>Allocation: 70% to Treasury, 30% to Team.</li>
					  <li><strong>Secondary Market Sales</strong>
						<br>Royalty: 10%. 
						<br> Allocation: 75% to Treasury, 25% to Team.</li>
                    <!-- <li>Airdrop goes to whitelist round buyers</li> -->
                  <div class="token-supply-desc">
                    <p>DAOs can perform NFT fractionalization by purchasing high-value NFTs using funds from their treasury, i.e., the members’ pooled capital. DAOs are organizations that enable members to vote on operational and investing activities through ownership of DAO governance tokens. A member’s share of ownership of the DAO-purchased NFTs is proportional to the number of governance tokens they hold.</p>
          <section class="faq" id="faq">
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                            <h2 class="accordion-header">
                              <button type="button" aria-expanded="false" class="accordion-button collapsed">What is IDO Pass DAO?</button>
                            <div class="accordion-collapse collapse">
                              <div class="accordion-body">
                                <p>IDO Pass DAO (IPD) is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) on the Cardano blockchain that invests in initial DEX offerings (IDOs) and initial stake pool offerings (ISPOs).
IPD aims to grow its treasury and provide its community with the following resources:
								  <li>Market Analyzation Tool</li>
								  <li>NFT fractionalization</li>
								  <p>IPD aims to make IDOs accessible to its community, be a liquidity provider to new projects, and build tools with accessible UI/UX.
The DAO utilizes a dual-token system – IPD NFT and Initial DEX Participation ($IDP) token. The IPD NFT is the governance token, while the $IDP token is the utility token that powers the IDO Pass DAO Launchpad-DEX.
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                            <h2 class="accordion-header">
                              <button type="button" aria-expanded="false" class="accordion-button collapsed">Liquid Non-Custodial Staking</button>
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                              <div class="accordion-body">
                                <p>Cardano wallet addresses have separate keys for spending and staking. As a result, one can stake their ADA without their ADA ‘leaving’ their wallet. The stake pool in which you stake your ADA does not have control over your ADA. Hence, staking on Cardano is ‘non-custodial.’ In addition, there are no lock-up periods when staking. You can unstake your ADA at any time. Hence, staking on Cardano is ‘liquid.’ Most importantly, staking on Cardano does not involve slashing.<br>
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                            <h2 class="accordion-header">
                              <button type="button" aria-expanded="false" class="accordion-button collapsed">ISPO</button>
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                              <div class="accordion-body">
                                <p>An initial stake pool offering (ISPO) is a crowdfunding event conducted through a stake pool. Project developers operate stake pools where investors can stake their ADA. The developers take all or a percentage of the ADA rewards earned by the stake pool to fund their project, while the investors receive the project's token. In some cases, investors may receive the project's token in addition to their ADA staking rewards. ISPOs are less risky than IDOs for investors because the investor only gives up their ADA rewards to receive the project tokens. Furthermore, the staked ADA remains in the stakers' wallet and is free to be unstaked at any time.
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                            <h2 class="accordion-header">
                              <button type="button" aria-expanded="false" class="accordion-button collapsed">Developer Surprise Airdrop
                            <div class="accordion-collapse collapse">
                              <div class="accordion-body">
                                <p>The Developer Surprise Airdrop is an event in which Cardano Native Assets (CNAs) are airdropped to Founders Pass NFT and rare (red) Members Pass NFT holders. Occasionally, all Pass NFT holders are included. These CNAs derive from profits made by the Team’s private investments. 
                                  <!-- -->
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                            <h2 class="accordion-header">
                              <button type="button" aria-expanded="false" class="accordion-button collapsed">Two-Layer Architecture</button>
                            <div class="accordion-collapse collapse">
                              <div class="accordion-body">
                                <p>Cardano operates in two separate layers – the Cardano Settlement Layer (CSL) and the Cardano Computation Layer (CCL). The CSL is Cardano's ledger of account where transactions of ADA and other Cardano native tokens are settled and the proof-of-stake (POS) protocol, Ouroboros, is executed. The CCL is where smart contracts are deployed and executed. The separation of value from computation allows smart contracts to be modified to fit end users' requirements without affecting the POS protocol's fundamental design. In other words, network upgrades can deploy on the CCL without disrupting the CSL and hard forking the network. One should not overlook this unique Cardano security feature.</p>
                                <p>The methods and the products are detailed in the questions below will clarify further how the platform will be managed.</p>
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                            <h2 class="accordion-header">
                              <button type="button" aria-expanded="false" class="accordion-button collapsed">What Are the Advantages of IDOs?</button>
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                              <div class="accordion-body">
                                <p>Projects are vetted and are allowed to launch an IDO only if they adhere to the DEX's standards. In addition, the transfer of funds is fulfilled by smart contracts. These reasons make IDOs safer and more decentralized than traditional ICOs. Furthermore, projects can raise funds without paying high upfront fees, while investors benefit from instant liquidity and trading. </p>
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                            <h2 class="accordion-header">
                              <button type="button" aria-expanded="false" class="accordion-button collapsed">How to participate in the IDOs?</button>
                            <div class="accordion-collapse collapse">
                              <div class="accordion-body">
                                <p> Whilst having Ticket NFT would be the best option to participate in the IDOs, second best is to have $TICKETs.</p>
                                <p>It is a draft, but the flow is certain;</p>
                                <p>Whitelist will ask you to lock your NFT or your $TICKETs during IDOs, plus few social engagements</p>
                                <p>A portion of available tokens will be dedicated to Ticket NFT holders — they will be the first to have the buy option</p>
                                <p>The rest goes to $TICKET holders — we will calculate the total pool and then allocate the tokens based on your locked ticket amount — fair distribution as we promised!</p>
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                            <h2 class="accordion-header">
                              <button type="button" aria-expanded="false" class="accordion-button collapsed">Market Analyzation Tool</button>
                            <div class="accordion-collapse collapse">
                              <div class="accordion-body">TradingView and Pine Script™ power the Market Analyzation Tool. It consists of tutorials, strategies, and custom interactive charts with financial indicators. This tool aims to help the DAO and individual members perform research and trades more efficiently
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