{"p":"brc-20","op":"deploy","tick":"SPDG","max":"42000000","lim":"1000","animation_url":"ar://geVrt4sC8EgNgKTEuxCMVbk0Y9O9l0MccZ7FUmk_cJY","artist":"Snoop Dogg","image":"ar://YxEgyLMOx8GF4qcoZQ07lRqrR4kHBiOFb3CdjFB47Sg","mimeType":"audio/wave","title":"I CAN'T BREATHE","name":"I CAN'T BREATHE","description":"On October 5th, 2022, \"I CAN'T BREATHE\" was released as a CC0 (Creative Commons). As a tribute to Snoop Dogg's vision, we are issuing 42 million SPDG tokens, inspired by his iconic number, 420. \nSPDG is simply an experiment to place Snoop Dogg’s CC0 song on the Bitcoin blockchain using Ordinals. It is important to note that the token should not be misconstrued as an investment opportunity. The tokens associated with this project hold no intrinsic value and are deemed worthless. Users who engage with this experiment must assume any associated risks and use it solely at their own discretion.","external_url":"https://www.spdg.io/"}