Official Document to be the explicit owner of over 1 Million Bitcoin:

This text is written in English and it stands as a law for the whole bitcoin and Blockchain space, because we are the first to do such a document into 
eternal Bitcoin Code and the Code is the Law.
This Document is written at February 10 2023 and its kept in simple words to all people should understand it in an easy way.

The owner of this one Documents (there can be just one owner of it and and whoever is th eowner has the full rights written inside it).
will have all the rights wirtten here.

This documents claims all unused Bitocin Balances which are unused at a timeframe of a clear timespan that the wallets dont have an owner anymore.
This timespan we will tell here as the following.

-Wallets that have never moved any coins since the very ealry beginning of bitcoin and who have clearly lost ownership, access or a way to ever get those

-Wallets that may have moved small coins in beginning but are inactive since 10 years plus (if its fully clear the key are lost)
If owners want to reclaim there wallet they can always do to contact us and we charge a 10% fee from it as inactive, dead unused wallets are claimed
now from this document which will be permanent stored inside the bitcoin Blockchain.

Specific we talking about one wallet, the so called Satoshis Wallet, which is said he is the uniknown creater of Bitcoin.
His wallet is fully in the belonging of the owner of this document at the moment this docuemtn is stored inside an bitcoin block and so at the
blockchain in infinity.

The owner of this document has full owner rights over that wallet, as its first and only time to claim this unused bitcoins in such a way
and as no one has access to it we do claim to be the owner of it.

Future will show which and in hows use cases this document is from a importance.

--So in clear words we claim all Bitcoin mined by the so called Satoshi which are unused until this date and are now the proud owner of them.
We are talking about all the bitocins mined in the early days until block number: 54316. After that block we claim also the unused wallets which have never
send any coins untils todays date: February 10 2023.

So the owner of this document is now the proud owner of unused bitcoins in the number of around: 1,122,693 BTC (in written words: one Million one hundret twenty two thousand six hundret ninenty three Bitcoin)
This document is stored in infinity blockchain code law and all of that written is clear and stay until the chain stay.

-You might be aksing what to do if you are the proud owner of bitcoins that no one ever might have access too.
Well what to do with any material things, can you keep them into your afterlive after being dead?

-This Document make you the owner the biggest official bitcoin holder in the world.So asking what that brings to you, you can think it yourself:)

The one who prrofs his Bitcoin Address connected to this Document (The one who holds basically this NFT at the Bitcoin chain) is the owner and has all rights for this document).

Written and Uploaded at February 10 2023