
#: src/inscriptions.md:79
msgid ""
"Currently, the only defined field is `content-type`, with a tag of `1`, "
"whose value is the MIME type of the body."
msgstr ""
"値は本文のMI MEタイプです。"

#: src/inscriptions.md:82
msgid ""
"The beginning of the body and end of fields is indicated with an empty data "
msgstr ""
"本文の先頭とフィールドの末尾には \"空のデータ\"でプッシュが表示されます。"

#: src/inscriptions.md:85
msgid ""
"Unrecognized tags are interpreted differently depending on whether they are "
"even or odd, following the \"it's okay to be odd\" rule used by the "
"Lightning Network."
msgstr ""

#: src/inscriptions.md:89
msgid ""
"Even tags are used for fields which may affect creation, initial assignment, "
"or transfer of an inscription. Thus, inscriptions with unrecognized even "
"fields must be displayed as \"unbound\", that is, without a location."
msgstr ""