{"p":"can-20","op":"mint","tick":"can","amt":"1000","rows":[{"df":"qa","content":[{"q":"How is the activation of triggered contracts in blockchain implemented?","a":"The triggering of contract activation messages in blockchain is achieved through smart contracts. Smart contracts are automated programs located on the blockchain that can trigger contract activation messages based on pre-defined conditions and rules. When specific conditions are met, the smart contract sends automatic messages to notify relevant parties that the contract has been activated. This triggering mechanism ensures the execution security and transparency of the contract, as it relies on the decentralized and tamper-proof characteristics of the blockchain. In addition, smart contracts can also enable automatic execution of payment, asset transfer, and other functions, thereby simplifying the  transaction process and reducing trust costs."}]}],"pr":"88436bdf28c952d0bc7b9b36782b5319783952966acd33c97e566af583dcd4d9"}