Ordinary: Passing the Torch: Keeping My Grandfather's Legacy Alive
File: #JNAFILES (xiv)
"To become our purpose, we must first truly know ourselves.
The truths in that mirror aren't glamorous, but the growth
is an addicting reward and compass. Every little drop of
water creates a mighty ocean, and it's in our DNA to give
to others. This life isn't just about us, but it's a
beautiful contradiction that we cannot give to others unless
we give to ourselves." - JNA
If you were to take all the inscriptions where I’ve decided
it’s a “thing” to share my thoughts via .txt on-chain, I don’t
know if its just me, but it’s easily starting to feel more like
an on-chain storage for my movie script/story over a blog.
The difference of feeling being that these are literally
scattered all over the time chain (and are really random
thoughts), but a nice little weird collection is starting
to form full of thoughts & insights from my life’s journey.
Ironically though, an actual dream of mine would be to produce
a movie or have a movie produced around the legacy of my
grandfather JNA [I’ve mentioned this once before on a
different platform - the real ones know!].
I never had the privilege of meeting my grandfather on my
mothers side. And now that I think about it, I’ve never
gotten a chance to meet any of my grandfathers on either side.
Interesting! I’ve met both grandmothers from the two sides
though. In this context though, I’m referring to my mothers
father. What’s actually trippy, in an amazing way, is that
when he passed away in Q3 of 86, an hour or so later my
mother gave birth to me. Some call it Rebirth or Reborn.
Others call it Reincarnation. For me? I guess I see it as
simply passing the torch. Using this baton to keep his
legacy alive.
See, even though we never met, the older I get the more I
feel we are connected. As a father of 10 children, making
a living in the commercial transportation business, I can’t
help but imagine that he was an interesting man. All of
his children (the ones that ive met) hold unbelievable
respect for him. That’s fascinating! Again, considering
he was a dad to 10 children. WOW! It’s definitely not
news to me but the thought of this still hits me in the
gut every-time, especially as a new father myself.
I can’t even begin to imagine what life was like with
10 children.
Every time I hear his name come up, what accompanies
the stories is a famous saying he used to have. He actually
named his business after this saying: “Every little drop
of water creates a mighty ocean.”
It’s in my DNA!! I feel like my entire life has been fixed
for me to come to a place where I realize that this life,
as much as it is about me, isn’t about me. It’s a contradiction.
A beautiful one at that. I cannot give to others unless I give
to myself. You know, the flight attendants remind us of this
all the time before the flight takes off. My own personal beliefs (I’m not religious & honestly don’t
like to put a definition to what I am, but I guess spiritual
works fine) is that you and I are here for a reason. As cliche
as that sounds - I. JUST. BELIEVE. IT.
We’re always trying to find our purpose here on earth and I
feel like it becomes obvious once we “become” that purpose.
To become, you must truly know yourself. To truly know yourself,
it requires, surprisingly, an enormous amount of courage.
The truths in that mirror aren’t glamorous, but the growth
is an addicting reward…. and compass!
Not sure if this will ever be seen, but I hope if it does...
You listen!
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